Visionaries in Action | Committee Member Spotlights

Members of the California Quality Collaborative (CQC)’s Steering Committee and other committees comprise a diverse group of stakeholders from the health care industry — representing providers, health systems, payers, purchasers, government and advocacy organizations — whose leadership provides strategic direction and guidance for CQC’s quality improvement work to transform the delivery system. These stories offer a glimpse into some of the innovative work of these visionaries.


Dr. Neftali Serrano speaking holding a microphone

Whole-Person, Team-Based Care:
Transforming Delivery with
BHI Advisory Group Member
Dr. Neftali Serrano

Inside CHOC Children’s Well Spaces:
School-Based Mental Health in Youth
with CQC Steering Committee
Member Dr. Mike Weiss

Dr. Mike Weiss, Vice President of Population Health at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) and CQC Steering Committee member, leads CHOC’s Well Spaces program, an innovative initiative addressing youth mental health in schools.